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Why Anymove ?
Anymove Developments is a person-to-person (P2P) platform with the goal of easing the process of providing car-sharing services. Anymove represents one of Golden Value Holdings' values which is growth. The company's platform gives consumers access to a wide number of various cars that are held by private persons. During the rental term, the car is insured by an insurance partner, and the car owner and tenant exchange keys digitally through the application. This makes it possible for people who own cars to rent them out to other private persons in a way that is both easy and safe.

You might be curious about the nature of the activity known as "vehicle renting." The business model of automobile rental firms comprises purchasing or leasing a large number of fleet vehicles, which are subsequently hired out to customers for a fee. This model requires car rental companies to acquire or lease a significant number of vehicles. Rental fleets can be structured in a variety of die-rent ways: they can be owned outright (in which case, they are referred to as "risk vehicles" because the car rental operator is taking a risk on how much the vehicle will be sold for when it is removed from service), they can be leased, or they can be owned under a guaranteed buy-back program arranged directly through a manufacturer or the manufacturer's financial arm (in which case, they are referred to as "repurchase vehicles") It is feasible to disguise the registration of rental automobiles in the United Kingdom by using initials or subsidiaries that are difficult to recognize. This is one method that can be used. Because of this, the automobile's resale value may increase if it is sold through the original manufacturer or through independent dealers. It is not unusual to discover car rental companies in North America that also run their very own branded second-hand car dealerships.
These dealerships are places where the company's previously rented automobiles are put up for sale to the general public as used automobiles. On the other hand, auctions are a popular transaction method in the United States. However, even with the emergence of digital platforms, rental car businesses have been progressively selling autos directly to new and used car dealers, circumventing the need to go through the auction channels in the process. This has allowed them to save time and money. And be more efficient to their clientele at the end of the day, the client and the business are satisfied with this idea.













2022 - Anymove reached a new record value with almost 60 million registered motor vehicles in Germany

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