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Save Our Planet

Climtech company is based in Riyadh, KSA. It specializes in Air Humidification and Solar Water Heating. Climatech is an expert with more than 2 decades in this market. Equipped with a qualified staff of Engineers, Technicians, and Administrators. Climatech provides you with the best products and services, Climatech is a leader in its field.

Our mission at Climatech Company

Climtech is to become the first stop for anyone seeking services of Air Humidification or Solar Thermal Energy in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Our Specialization

We specialize in

  • Air Filtering Treatments

  • Solar Systems

  • Power Solutions

    Our air filtering systems are made to remove

  • Dust

  • Odors

  • Bacteria from the air

  • Heat,

  • Cool, humidify

  • Dry the air

  • Potential harmful gaseous admixtures

  • Introduce oxygen and fragrant chemicals, as the power of air treatment.

All of these efforts are being made to ensure that everyone may breathe clean air and to reduce pollution for good.

Use of solar systems

Our second option is to source power The power of solar energy at the satellite level is nearly 1360 w/m2, but only a part of this power makes it to the earth's surface—at most, 1000 w/m2 in the best- case scenario.

Despite this, the overall amount of energy that the earth receives is around 5000 times greater than the amount that the world requires. The amount of energy required to power the entire world for a whole year may be produced by the sun in just 105 minutes.

How it works

The whole total of the sun's radiated energy is referred to as solar energy. The energy that is radiated from the sun is converted by the earth into a variety of kinds of fossil fuels such as

  • Coal 

  • Oil 

  • Gas

However, significantly more energy is radiated from the sun than what we require, and the majority of this energy is lost.

Benefits of Solar Energy

Switching to the solar energy source is very beneficial some of its benefits are that

  • Reduces air pollution

  • Uses less water

  • Helps with slowing down the climate change

    Helps to stop the emission of polluting gases into the atmosphere which contributes to air pollution

  • carbon dioxide

  • methane

  • nitrous oxide

but it also contributes to an intensified version of the greenhouse effect.

Greenhouse Effects

However, human activities, like the burning of fossil fuels, have increased the amount of greenhouse gases in our atmosphere, even though the greenhouse effect is a natural mechanism that warms the surface of the Earth to a temperature that is hospitable for life. Because of this, the greenhouse effect has been amplified, which in turn is causing the world to warm at an unprecedented rate. In recent years, this has been linked to several catastrophic weather phenomena, including flooding, cyclones, storms, high heat, and droughts.

Solar power generation emits no greenhouse gases at any stage of the process and, as a result, has the potential to make a significant contribution to the mitigation of the adverse effects of climate change should it become widespread. If a home or business uses solar energy as its primary source of electricity, there will be no need to burn any fuel and there will be no emissions produced as a result of the production of energy.



2022 - Condair awarded Climatech as a top 10 #infiction control solutions providers of 2022 by MedHealth Outlook

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